The study was kept small. Individuals were asked to reflect on their experience with a pivot point, and complete self-report measures like mundaneness of the event, noticeability of change, and the overall altering of the future.
We found that despite age and gender, the subjects could recount an instance in which their future was altered by an abrupt moment.
This is an abbreviated report on one of these individuals.

A person’s life can be described as a coil, Pivot Points are the places where the wire bends but continues on in a different path.
Pivot Points act as an end and beginning in the same sense that Rites of Passage do. They serve as the closed door so that a window may open — a point on a spiral that allows for the path to continue on, just in a different direction.
These smaller occasions differe from Rites, in the sense that they are typically unceremonious.
In the midst of a Rite of Passage, an individual will find themselves in a flurry of magnification and glorification. Pivot Points, however, are abrupt and may go unnoticed for some time.
Life is simply a string of these kinds of events, which we should call Pivot Points. They are the end to the version of the future we thought we knew, and the beginning of a new one.
These points, though underappreciated, are powerful. They are the past and the present and the future.

They agreed to keep things civil and stay friends, they had been together for two years, and while they were very much still in love when they separated, Faith recounts that the fact the relationship had been long distance led to its inevitable end.
She picked up the phone, and regretted doing so almost immediately.
“Hey,” he said so cooly, almost as if they had never parted ways. He continued on to explain he was hearing about a potential job offer that
Then it happened.
She let him know that she had moved on and that their ship had sailed. She asked him not contact her again. She didn’t look back.
The rest of the night was spent blocking his social media, deleting pictures from her phone, and mentally spinning. The man she thought she’d spend the rest of her days with was now nothing but a memory, and any chance at that version of her future dissolved.